Weekly Photo Challenge: Zig Zag


These are my daughters boots.  She wears them with everything, shorts, dresses, pants.  The laces zigzag up the boots. In just the last month these boots have zigzagged their way up hiking trials at Glacier Park in Canada and zigzagged through lines at Disney World.

The Daily Post challenge ZigZag


I wanted to try and revive my blog. A lot has changed in my life since I started this blog. I guess the biggest would be I’m single now. My 23 year marriage fell apart when I found out about his cheating. It’s a very emotional topic for me and I’m just going to leave it at that for now.

We had to say goodbye to Rohan, our golden retriever.He was having problems with seizures and finally got to where he couldn’t walk. I think he had a form of cancer. He was our family dog form when T and D were young. Saying goodbye to him was like having to say goodbye to their childhood.

Both Tyde and Dax have grown. They have graduated from high school and are in college. I now work at an elementary school full time. We have two new family members, Pixar a cat we picked up from the animal shelter, and Willow, a dog.

Well that pretty much catches you up.